Code of Conduct
Our Code of Conduct is intended to provide specific standards to cover most situations encountered by our yoga teachers. Its primary goal is the welfare and protection of our students, teachers, yoga community, and the public. It articulates the ethical standards that our teachers must follow. The Code of Conduct is intended to elevate the professionalism and integrity of our yoga teachers by adopting uniform standards for behavior yet recognizing the diversity of the many traditions of the teaching and practice of yoga.
Financial Practices
Teachers will be honest, straightforward, fair, and conscientious in conducting all of their business affairs. Teachers will manage their business affairs according to recognized standard business and accounting practices. Teachers will discuss all fees and financial arrangements in a straightforward professional manner. Teachers will seek opportunities to render service to individuals or groups who are underserved by the broader yoga community on a pro bono basis.
Professional Growth/Continuing Education
Teachers shall maintain the integrity, competency, and high standards of the yoga profession by continuously striving to improve their skills through keeping current in new developments in yoga practice and by participating in continuing educational programs.
Teacher-Student Relationships
Teachers are committed to acknowledging Spirit in all their students, fellow teachers and staff. Teachers must maintain their relationships with students on a professional basis. Teachers recognize the trust placed in them by their students and the unique power of the student-teacher relationship. Teachers shall avoid dual relationships with students (e.g. business, close personal or sexual relationships) that may impair their judgment, compromise the integrity of the teachings, and/or use the relationship for their personal gain. Teachers recognize that their teachings may lead to physical contact with students. Touch will be used only with the students’ consent and with their well-being in mind. Touch shall be free of any personal or sexual motive. Teachers shall not engage in behavior, comments, or humor that is offensive to their students because of its sexual content or reference to gender or sexual orientation.
Teachers are committed to maintaining impeccable standards of professional competence and integrity. Teachers are committed to promoting the physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual wellbeing of their students. Teachers are committed to practicing yoga as a way of life, which includes adopting the fundamental moral principles of yoga and making their lifestyle environmentally sustainable.
Scope of Practice
Teachers shall not diagnose their student’s physical or psychological condition. Teachers shall not give medical advice. Teachers shall not prescribe a treatment or suggest rejecting a physician’s advice. Teachers shall refer their students to medical doctors or complimentary licensed professionals when appropriate.
Confidential Information
Teachers shall keep all personal information disclosed by their students or clients strictly confidential. A teacher who receives any private information from a student or client may not disclose such information unless it obtains the written consent of the student or client.
However, a teacher may disclose private information about a student or client without obtaining consent in the following situations: (a) to comply with the law or the order of a court; (b) to prevent bodily harm or danger to the student or client or to others; or (c) where the information has already been disclosed to the public.
Inter-Professional Relationships
Teachers are part of the health care and well-being community and should strive to develop and maintain relationships within the community for the benefit of their students and their professional development. Teachers shall conduct themselves in an honorable manner in their relations with their fellow yoga teachers and other wellness practitioners. Teachers shall work to build the unity of their community by embracing diversity, collaboration and commitment the benefit of all. Teachers shall practice tolerance and acceptance toward other yoga teachers, schools and traditions. Teachers shall not openly criticize practices followed by other yoga schools or teachers. However, teachers recognize that differences of opinion are to be expected, and they may be discussed in a sensitive and compassionate manner. When criticism must be made, it should be done with fairness, discretion and with a focus on the facts.
Advertising and Public Communications
Teachers shall provide students and colleagues with good quality and factual information about their professional qualifications, the services they provide and their teaching arrangements. Teachers shall put students first, preserve their trust and maintain the professionalism of the yoga community. Teachers shall not misrepresent their professional qualifications and affiliations or falsely imply sponsorship or certification by any organization or group.
Teachers shall not make false, deceptive, or fraudulent statements or advertisements concerning: (i) their training, experience, or competence; (ii) their academic degrees or credentials; (iii) their institutional affiliations; (iv) their classes, workshops, and teacher trainings; (v) the scientific or clinical basis for the success of their services; (vi) their fees; or (vii) statements involving sensationalism, exaggeration or superficiality; or (viii) an intent to exploit a student’s fears or emotions or to create unjustified expectations for cures or results.
Yoga Equity
Teachers will welcome, accept, and support all students regardless of religion, gender, sexual orientation, language, nationality, political, or cultural background. Teachers will embrace yoga equity. Teachers shall seek to have awareness and a commitment to making yoga more equitable, inclusive, accessible and diverse. This encompasses diversity, inclusion and accessibility in yoga. Teachers will make the conscious decision to address each of these issues thoughtfully and intentionally throughout their work in restoring equity to the yoga community. Teachers will emphasize the importance of learning, teaching, and practicing yoga honestly, which means promoting equity, reducing harm, honoring and leveraging cultural differences, and fostering diversity and inclusion in all areas of yoga while honoring the integrity of yoga’s cultural and historical roots.